Our company recognizes the significance of security for goverment institutions and private businesses alike. Even for activities not directly or usually prone to security breaches and hazards, surveillance and protection are critical for the preservation of physical and financial assets and for the sake of employees and staff safety, in addition to supporting internal supervision and control. Specializing in personal, institutional and industrial security systems allows us to provide products of distinct quality, along with the accompanying services of installation and upgrade for our customers maximum value and benefit at the lowest prices. All with our vision in mind: to pioneer security systems and services at the national level.
Access restrictions and control are imperative at personal residence and in businesses. For companies and businesses, Rasd Technology provides access control and surveillance equipment, such as CCTV surveillance and biometric scanners (fingerprinnt and retinal scanners). The systems allow managers and owners to know who is where at all times. assisting employee control and allowing physical access only at discretion.
A CCTV, Or Video Surveillance camera designs exist for internal and external monitoring.
Biometric Scanning is any access-granting system reliant on body measurement or Feature OHere.
Our products and services in this line have to do with businesses (and in some instances the government's) security and access requirements.
Rasd Medical offers ultrasound and mammography diagnostic equipment with a multitude of features for varying needs and purposes. In conformance with our motto for this product line; to see better is to diagnose better.
Standard Turnstile gate for pedestrian traffic control and organizations
Reliable, quality gear is necessary in case of emergency and for the protection of personnel in hazardous work environments. Rasd technology supplies and installs fire protection systems along with gas detection and respiratory equipment for fire detection, fire suppression, and life preservation
A hard hat is a common form of personal protection equipment used at construction sites and other environments with a danger of falling objects or other bodily-injury hazards.
We are here to help. Want to learn more about our services? Please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you!